Secure your Mobile Wallet

Secure your Mobile Wallet

There are many mobile applications that allow you to carry out most of your personal finance transactions online and on the go.  A Mobile Wallet makes this super easy and convenient.

Seven Important ways to Secure your Mobile Wallet

  • Enable a passcode/password on your phone. This will ensure that no one else can simply pick up your phone and access your personal information.

  • Enable the auto-lock feature on your phone. This will lock your phone after a certain period of inactivity. Use auto-lock with a password to make sure no one else can access your phone.

  • Make sure your device's operating system is up-to-date. When your network carrier sends you alerts that a security or operating system update is available, download it as soon as possible.

  • Watch for fake texts or other messages telling you to go to a site or call in. Spam messages can open the door to malware, which software hackers use to disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems.

  • Only install applications from trusted sources. Use Google Play Store or Apple App Store and avoid installing apps from unknown sources.

  • Avoid public Wi-Fi. The information you send over public Wi-Fi can potentially be seen by others using the network—including hackers. Instead, use your mobile carrier’s network when accessing confidential information.

  • Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-fi when not in use. Leaving them on when you are out in public leaves your phone vulnerable to hackers. Only connect to trusted networks.